Female Professors Program

In 2007, the German federal and state governments launched the Female Professors Program to sustainably improve equal opportunities in the science system. It was continued in 2013 and 2018 for a further five years in each case.

Since its inception, the program has pursued a dual strategy: On the one hand, the long-term goal is to achieve parity in the distribution of positions at the professorial level. At the same time, the necessary equality policy structures at the universities are to be expanded and strengthened in order to be able to achieve forward-looking successes at all qualification levels.

The program specifically supports women in their academic careers and has been able to significantly increase the proportion of professorships held by women at German universities. It is therefore a key instrument for advancing gender equality in universities and universities of applied sciences.

Female Professors Program III at the University of Rostock

After the University of Rostock was able to qualify for the first two phases of the Female Professors Program, the last round of the funding program of the federal and state governments will start in the summer of 2021. The equality future concept required for this has been positively reviewed. With the financial resources made available, gender equality measures will be initiated until 2025 to promote female scientists at all qualification levels at the University of Rostock and also to contribute structurally to more gender equality.

The next round of Scholarships and Student assitant and Material Resources runs from 01/10/2024 to 15/11/2024. Funding can be distributed beginning in August 2024. In addition, it is possible to submit urgent applications on an ongoing basis (please refer to the notes in the FAQ).

Measures at a glance

Student-assistant fund

In order to ensure the compatibility of science and career with family responsibilities and to increase the proportion of women in committees, the University of Rostock has set up a fund from which female scientists with family responsibilities (raising children, caring for relatives) and/or extensive committee activities can be supported with the employment of a student assistant.

This not only compensates for multiple burdens due to family responsibilities or extensive committee activities and the associated extensions in qualification projects or in one's own scientific activities. Since women with the same qualifications should preferably be hired as student assistants, female students can thus gain their first insights into science and teaching and be encouraged to pursue a career in science in the long term.

Material resources fund

The material fund supports female scientists as well as qualifying female researchers at the University of Rostock in their scientific work by subsidizing material costs, such as travel expenses for active participation in conferences or for financing research stays, conference contributions as well as their translation, printing cost subsidies for monographs or child care costs due to participation in conferences.

Scholarship Fund

The scholarship fund is intended to support female researchers in early career phases in their scientific qualification at the University of Rostock. Grants are awarded for the completion of habilitations of up to 12 months and doctorates of up to six months.


The coaching programme is aimed at women in management positions and committed female academics. It is primarily intended as an offer for newly appointed and junior female professors, which facilitates their entry into the diverse range of tasks and deepens important competences even further.


Please see the FAQ for answers to frequently asked questions about the application process.