Who's afraid of German academics? "Meet and greet" German university staff

Are you looking for contacts to "real Germans"? Would you like to learn more about how to successfully work in Germany and the German university setting? Can you imagine to also share YOUR culture's perspectives and provide intercultural insights to the German side? In this workshop, we would like to offer you the chance to meet professionals of the University of Rostock on a more personal level. At the same time, we want to give our university's staff the opportunity to get to know the world from your perspective. In discussions around work, university and beyond we would like to create chances both for internationals and Germans to raise our intercultural awareness while enjoying the traditional "Kaffeetrinken". We are looking forward to meeting you for this unique chance of enhancing our intercultural academic networking potential.


Teilnahme ist kostenlos


  • Koordinierungsstelle Vielfalt und Gleichstellung und Sprachenzentrum


  • wird nach der Anmeldung bekannt gegeben

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