Vortragsreihe "Frauen in Naturwissenschaften und (Bio-)Ingenieurwissenschaften"

Nature has brought about astounding performances in living and dead matter. Entangling micro- and nanostructures of both categories may represent a route to realize artificial tissues of hybrid systems, capable to meet current challenges in energy supply and health. To this end such entangled networks should to be broken down to elementary couplings and the respective structure and dynamics of individual units are to be studied. Surface structures can be prepared to fulfill functions such as optical stimulation or electric field hot spots. Localized excitation is a prerequisite to guide excitons through molecule aggregate cables and to develop alternatives to the rather energy consuming electronic circuitries. Localized optical and electric fields can also serve to provoke specific responses from live cells, i.e. to guide cells to places where they are needed. For realizing small micrometric and nanometric structures scanning probe microscopy methods are crucial. Challenges include targeted micro and nanostructuring, enhanced robustness in environments such as electrolytes, and proper docking of structures preserving functionality.


Nadine Rudolph


  • SFB 1270 ELAINE


  • Department LL&M, Albert-Einstein-Str. 25, room 110

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