ORDS-MV 3th Birthday

Dear Open and Reproducible Data Science and Statistics Enthusiasts,
we have great news: ORDS-MV is celebrating it's 3rd anniversary with you!

We prepared an awesome program packed with a great keynote from Rima-Maria Rahal (Social psychologist & Open scientist, Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods) about "Quality research need good working conditions" as well as an impressive discussion input about the "Five selfish reasons to join an open science initiative" from Esther Plomp (Data Steward, Delft University of Technology - The Netherlands). Furthermore, we are glad to announce that Tobias Schlauch (Research Software Engineer, German Aerospace Center - Helmholtz Association) will help you improve your collaboration using Git and GitLab in a hands-on workshop.

Register soon in order to get one of the limited seats and spread the world about open and reproducible data science and statistics:
Date: December 1st, 2023 from 09:00am to 5:00pm
Location: University of Rostock, Main Building, Universitätsplatz 1, 18055 Rostock; Room 104
Registration via e-Mail: stat-consultfbn-dummerstorfde

Looking forward to an awesome day with you.

Your ORDS-MV Orga Team:
Anja Eggert
Frank Krüger
Manuela Reichelt
Max Schröder
Christiane Hassenrück


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