Online Workshop: How might we support international PhD students in Eastern Germany?

on December 14th, 2021, from 6:00 - 9:00 pm an interactive workshop free of charge on "Supporting PhD students in Eastern Germany" will take place digitally.  


In our workshop we will work on the challenges of international students in East Germany. Together - with your engagement - we will find new solutions.


The workshop will take place in Zoom: You will need a microphone, camera and access by a computer (instead of smartphone/tablet) is helpful for your contribution in this interactive workshop.

The Zoom Link will be sent out after your registration.


We will take time to present the project a little bit more, to get to know each other and exchange on ideas how we might help international PhD students to succeed in Germany.


Since we want to have a good and cosy time together, we want to send you a little surprise in advance. 

Please register with this link:


If you have any questions, please reach out to Maria Prahl from Working Between Cultures at mpworking-between-culturescom


Please feel free to share the registration link with people who are international PhD students or who work with international PhD students in Eastern Germany.



This workshop is part of a project that is looking for approaches to help international PhD students arrive in eastern Germany and feel at home in the region. For this purpose, qualitative interviews have already been conducted in advance. This workshop is aimed at a broader target group in order to develop as many different ideas and approaches as possible.


The project was initiated by Working Between Cultures, a social enterprise, and is partly seed-funded by the Bosch Alumni Networks of Robert Bosch Foundation.


We are looking forward to seeing you at the workshop.

Your hosts


Benedikt, Steffen und Maria


Working Between Cultures

Maria Prahl

Partnerschaft Prahl & Skowron

Training - Beratung - Moderation

+49 172 / 30 65 380 (office)
+49 89 / 99 964 457 (fax)


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