ONLINE COURSE: Productivity, Project and Time Management for Scientists

In this seminar, we first look at well-established and widely used strategies for productivity, project and time management. This is followed by an overview of productivity tools. A key part of this seminar is a system I propose to organize files, folders, tasks, projects, Emails and Calendars. By having a common system, combining personal and work-related interest and activities, across tools, and devices, we can significantly improve our productivity.

We are then going to look at an actual implementation of a To-Do / Project Management strategy. The success of an implementation will largely depend on the creation of habits, to create tasks and take notes. Project meetings are a central element of a scientist’s work and a key factor in making these more effective is to link back and to look forward (with notes and tasks). We are therefore going to introduce a structure to prepare for and realize successful project meetings.

The seminar will help you getting more things done, avoid errors, focus on what’s important, including fulfillment, and have more effective project meetings.

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Olaf Wolkenhauer, Dept. of Systems Biology & Bioinformatics, University of Rostock




  • Graduiertenakademie


  • online

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