MARE BALTICUM LECTURES: Dynamic Nuclear Polarization – from Basics and Principles Towards Molecular Dynamics with 2H NMR

In this seminar aimed at non-experts, the basic principle of dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) will be presented. We will cover the fundamental physical mechanism and give an overview over the instrumental requirements. Furthermore, DNP’s unique possibility to enhance the intensity of NMR spectra by several orders of magnitude will be presented on examples selected from current relevant research topics. Finally, we will give a perspective about future applications of DNP towards the investigation of (bio)molecular dynamics via sensitivity-enhanced 2H solid-state NMR, based on the ongoing research conducted in collaboration with Prof. Vugmeyster during the Mare Balticum Fellowship.


Prof. Dr. Björn Corzilius (host scientist)
Institute of Chemistry
Department of Physical Chemistry
Dr.-Lorenz-Weg 2
18059 Rostock

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