Living and working in Germany - Intercultural training for international PhD students and researchers

Developing the capacity to mediate differing cultural perspectives is a key determinant of intercultural competence.
Designed as an interactive workshop, the training will provide international PhD students and researchers of the University of Rostock with essential cross-cultural skills for building relationships and working effectively in a multicultural environment. Using hands-on exercises and simulation role-plays, participants will gain an understanding of values and attitudes in German academic life, identify and analyse their personal approaches to different intercultural challenges and increase their intercultural awareness and competence. The participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their own culture, discuss personal experiences, ask questions and exchange their views with the other participants.
• Culture and cultural differences with a focus on academic life
• Developing intercultural awareness and intercultural competence
• Adapting to a new culture
• Stereotypes and prejudice
• Values and attitudes in German academic life
• Communication styles and language issues
• Cross-cultural management skills
• Good practice for cross-cultural situations at university

Intercultural trainer: Katja Striegler, IQ Netzwerk Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Language:  English
Participants:  10-16 PhD students and researchers    

Participation fee: free of charge
Sign In  for the training until January 18th 2019 via Dr. Uta Buttkewitz (uta.buttkewitzuni-rostockde), Coordination Office for Diversity and Equal Opportunities

Uta Buttkewitz



  • Koordinierungsstelle Vielfalt und Gleichstellung, Welcome Center


  • Global Café (Raum 220), Parkstraße 6, 18057 Rostock

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