Living and working in Germany - Intercultural Training for international students and researchers

Flyer zur Veranstaltung

Designed as an interactive workshop, the Intercultural Training will provide international PhD students and researchers at the University of Rostock with essential cross-cultural skills. Using hands-on exercises and simulations, participants will gain an understanding of values and attitudes in German academic life.

Friday, 10th of February; 9am to 4pm

Where? Parkstraße 6, Global Café (Room 136), 18057 Rostock

With Who? Intercultural Coach Katja Striegler 

Language: English

Tuition fee: none 

Contact and sign up: welcome-centeruni-rostockde

Please sign up until February 7th.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!


  • University of Rostock - International Welcome Center


  • Parkstraße 6, Global Café (Room 136), 18057 Rostock

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