Interdisciplinary networking meeting for researchers and early career researchers

Opportunity for interdisciplinary exchange and consultation with Helena Bermúdez Sabel on the new challenges of digitization, digital text corpora and editions, and the handling of research data in the humanities, as well as the important role of international and interdisciplinary research collaborations in the Digital Humanities.


  • networking
  • Digital Humanities
  • digitization
  • digital scholarly editing
  • Corpus Linguistics
  • research data management

Meeting ID: 630 4747 2241
Passwort: 430211

Target audience: Researchers and young researchers interdisciplinary topics of Digital Humanities, Number of participants: 10-15 in person and not limited online, Language: English, Registration: required for participation in presence

Contact & Registration

Jun.-Prof. Ulrike Henny-Krahmer (host scientist)
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Institute for German Studies
Tel.: +49 381 498 2555

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