GA Workshop: "Speed Reading for Academics"

Course Description

Scientific work involves a significant amount of reading. How about increasing your reading speed by 25-100% (depending on text difficulty and English proficiency) while at the same time improving your reading quality…and boosting your reading motivation?

Course Aims

  • Faster reading speed
  • Better text comprehension
  • Variation of different reading techniques and strategies
  • Better concentration and motivation
  • Special approaches towards scientific texts

lease be aware that this online course requires a high degree of self-discipline – for you to finish the course entirely, carefully follow the instructions and participate in at least the first and last online session. Only then can you expect a profound change of reading habits.

This course is an additional challenge for non-English native speakers. Good/very good English reading (not necessarily speaking) proficiency is expected (approx. B2 English language level), also for the Speed Reading Online course in English.

Further information and registration

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