DFG Info talk: The Walter Benjamin Programme (online, in English)

Prospects: The Walter Benjamin Programme

Just finishing your PhD and wondering whether the DFG’s Walter Benjamin Programme is a funding option for your next career step in academia? Either after your PhD in Germany to move on to another host institution – or after your PhD in an international context to realise your next research project in Germany? The Walter Benjamin Programme caters for both options for early postdocs.

In this informative talk organized by DFG, you will get first-hand information about the funding organisation DFG, the goal of the Walter Benjamin Programme, its eligibility requirements and the type, extend and duration of the funding. It will be explained how the DFG comes to a funding decision and give you advice on preparing a proposal. At the end of the event there is also time for discussions

PhD candidates and postdocs who recently finished their doctorates of all disciplines from all countries as well as research support staff are welcome to join.

10/05/2022, 2 p.m.-3:30 p.m.

The link to the Webex meeting will be published on this page some days prior to the talk.

You can find more Information on this Link: DFG, German Research Foundation - Info Talks on DFG Funding Opportunities for Research Careers

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