Baltic TRANSCOAST Seminar


2:00-3:00 pm Dr. Willard S. Moore (University of South Carolina, USA, Baltic TRANSCOAST-Mercator Fellow) "Saltwater intrusion and submarine groundwater discharge: Acceleration of biogeochemical reactions in changing coastal aquifers"

3:00-4:00 pm Round table discussion with PhD Students within the framework of Baltic TRANSCOAST.

A unique occasion for exchanging knowledge and experience.

We are looking forward to your visit!

Special Guest: Prof. Dr. Willard S. Moore, University of South Carolina, Columbia, USA.

Specific information about DFG-Research Training Group Baltic TRANSCOAST are available on our website


Baltic TRANSCOAST Coordinator: Nadja Geissler nadja.geissleruni-rostockde




  • Graduiertenkolleg Baltic TRANSCAOST (GRK 2000/1)


  • GRK Baltic TRANSCOAST, Albert-Einstein-Str. 21, 18059 Rostock, 1st floor, room 113.

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