Online-Workshop: „Academic Writing“ for refugees and international students

This two-part workshop addresses the skills and knowledge that can help you write your English-language papers more effectively and successfully. The two parts will cover understanding the phases of the writing process, the kinds of knowledge that can help you understand the expectations of English-language academic writing, and several strategies that can help you meet those expectations.

3rd of December 2021; 9 am – 1 pm: From finding your topic to planning your paper
4th December 2021; 9 am – 1 pm: Editing and revising your paper, with special attention to clarity and style

Held by: Susannah Ewing, M.A., PGCert, is a lecturer at the Writing Center at the University of Hamburg and a freelance instructor for Academic Writing in English. She has many years of experience in teaching English for Academic Purposes and Academic Writing, coaching students through their writing projects, and supporting academic instructors in implementing writing tasks and projects in their teaching.

Language: English

Location: online via Zoom (link will be provided after registration)

Directed to: refugees and international students at the University of Rostock

Registration: by mail to refugeesuni-rostockde (Please indicate your name, first name, nationality, field of study and semester of study)

Deadline: 1st of December 2021; 9 am – 1 pm

Participants may receive a certificate of participation after having attended both course parts.

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