
11. July 2024


3:00 - 5:00 pm


Campus Südstadt, Albert-Einsteinstr. 3, Auditorium 201 (Lecture building for life sciences)


Prof. Michael Rauscher,
PD Rhena Schumann
(Board of ombudspersons, Universität Rostock)

Number of Participants

up to 25 participants



Target audience

Doctoral students, postdocs,
students writing their Masters' theses,
supervisors of qualification theses

Participation Fee*

free of charge

Course Description

In the academic world, there is a high potential for conflict in education and research. Disagreements become particularly delicate due to the fact that the situation between supervisor and supervisee is supposed to be a special relationship of trust – similar to the teacher-pupil or doctor-patient relationship. It is not for nothing that doctoral supervisors are called "doktorvater" or "doktormutter" in German.

This ideal supervisory relationship is increasingly under stress as most people in academia work under enormous pressure to succeed: more projects, more publications, more students.

Within this field of tension, the German Science Foundation DFG, the most important funding organisation of university research in Germany, has established ethical guidelines of good research practice and corresponding rules of compliance. At this event, two ombudspersons will inform you about the implementation of these guidelines at the University of Rostock, about academic misconduct, and about persons and institutions to contact in cases of conflict or misconduct.


  • What is good research practice?
  • Ombudspersons and the Inquiry Committee as guardians of good scientific practice
  • Previous cases of conflict and focal points of bad scientific practice / scientific misconduct
  • Additional contact persons and institutions for early career researchers at the University of Rostock

Information about the lecturer

Prof. (in retirement) Michael Rauscher (WSF, Institute of Economics)

  • Ombudsperson 2002 to 2004 and since 2022

PD Rhena Schumann (MNF, Institute of Biosciences)

  • Ombudsperson since 2018