P-Campus Ringvorlesung "Element-Transformationen in Gradienten-Systemen der Ostsee" am 27.06.24

am 27. Juni findet um 16:00 Uhr der nächste Vortrag der P-Campus-Ringvorlesung statt. Prof. Michael E. Böttcher vom Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung (IOW) wird zum Thema "Element-Transformationen in Gradientensystemen der Ostsee" sprechen.


The Baltic Sea is characterized my strong physico-chemical, and associated biogeochemical gradients: On one hand, the inflow of saltwater from the North Sea and on the other hand freshwaters originating from surface waters (rivers, streams) and submarine groundwater discharge (SGD). Furthermore, steep vertical gradients are found within the sediment column of selected areas connecting the modern Baltic Sea with the past glacial melt waters and being under microbially catalyzed diagenetic modulations of the element gradients and fluxes. Gradients are triggered by mixing processes of different solutions and diagenesis may lead to dissolution or authigenesis of solid phases of diagnostic potential to reconstruct past environmental conditions (proxies). A prominent example is the formation of surface and subterrestrial mineral fronts (iron curtains) that may act as temporal sink for dissolved phophate.

Here, we report on the isotope hydrobiogeochemical characterization of fresh water sources (ground waters, rivers, streams), and focus on SGD studies about the controls of water and element exchange across the land-ocean boundary of the southern Baltic Sea. The investigations are further complemented by exciting results from shallow and long sediment cores. This is achieved by a combination of hydro- and solid-phase geochemical and stable multi-isotope measurements and results are discussed in terms of past, present, and potential future environmental conditions.

The presented research contains contributions from generations of BSc, MSc, and PhD students, and PostDocs, and technicians of the Geochemistry & Isotope Biogeochemistry Group. It was financially supported by DFG (Baltic Transcoast), BMBF (Coolstyle/Carbostore, Amber), and Leibniz IOW.

Hier für den Vortrag anmelden: https://wissenschaftscampus-rostock.de/ringvorlesung-2024.html


The next lecture of the P-Campus Lecture Series will take place on June 27 at 04:00 pm. Prof. Michael E. Böttcher from the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research (IOW) will give a lecture on "Element transformationes in gradient systems of the Baltic Sea".



The Baltic Sea is characterized my strong physico-chemical, and associated biogeochemical gradients: On one hand, the inflow of saltwater from the North Sea and on the other hand freshwaters originating from surface waters (rivers, streams) and submarine groundwater discharge (SGD). Furthermore, steep vertical gradients are found within the sediment column of selected areas connecting the modern Baltic Sea with the past glacial melt waters and being under microbially catalyzed diagenetic modulations of the element gradients and fluxes. Gradients are triggered by mixing processes of different solutions and diagenesis may lead to dissolution or authigenesis of solid phases of diagnostic potential to reconstruct past environmental conditions (proxies). A prominent example is the formation of surface and subterrestrial mineral fronts (iron curtains) that may act as temporal sink for dissolved phophate.

Here, we report on the isotope hydrobiogeochemical characterization of fresh water sources (ground waters, rivers, streams), and focus on SGD studies about the controls of water and element exchange across the land-ocean boundary of the southern Baltic Sea. The investigations are further complemented by exciting results from shallow and long sediment cores. This is achieved by a combination of hydro- and solid-phase geochemical and stable multi-isotope measurements and results are discussed in terms of past, present, and potential future environmental conditions.

The presented research contains contributions from generations of BSc, MSc, and PhD students, and PostDocs, and technicians of the Geochemistry & Isotope Biogeochemistry Group. It was financially supported by DFG (Baltic Transcoast), BMBF (Coolstyle/Carbostore, Amber), and Leibniz IOW.

Register here for the lecture: https://wissenschaftscampus-rostock.de/lecture-series-2024.html

Kontak t/ Contact:

Maxi Hoche
WissenschaftsCampus Phosphorforschung Rostock
c/o Leibniz-Institut für Katalyse (LIKAT)
Albert-Einstein-Str. 29a
18059 Rostock
Tel:  +49 381 1281-339


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