Online Workshop: Exploratory Text Analysis for Philologists

The members of the Graduate Academy are warmly invited to register for the following workshop offered by the research focus " Digital Hermeneutics" of the Knowledge-Culture-Transformation department

Exploratory Text Analysis for Philologists
Referent: Dr. Patrick Burns (Harvard University)
Termine: 11.7.-12.7.2022 (Montag - Dienstag): jeweils von 14.00Uhr bis 18.30Uhr, via Zoom

Two half-day sessions will give participants experience reading, modifying, and writing computer code (in Python and using the Classical Language Toolkit and CLTK Readers) to explore textual data for philological ends. The first session will guide participants through six text analysis experiments designed to introduce them to describing, searching, manipulating, and generating texts in Latin, Ancient Greek, Old English, and Middle High German. The second session will dive deeper into the design of corpus readers and how to use them in their own research projects. Participants are encouraged to bring sample texts from their own projects to learn how to build custom readers.

Location: online, via Zoom

Registration: email to dh.wktuni-rostockde  

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