ABSTRACT CALL: EU-CONEXUS Research Conference in Rostock, 16th - 17th November 2023

EU-CONEXUS invites all the researchers from partner universities (including Uni Rostock) to submit an abstract for the EU-CONEXUS Research Conference on "Aquatic and Coastal Ecosystems: Challenges and Opportunities towards Sustainable Development". The conference will be held in Rostock, Germany, from November 16th to 17th, 2023. This conference aims to facilitate the convergence of diverse research communities associated with our partner institutions.

The call for abstracts is open to researchers from EU-CONEXUS partner institutions and beyond to foster collaboration and exchange of knowledge on subjects related to the sustainability of coastal regions which are of mutual significance. Researchers (Presenters) are kindly asked to submit their topic abstracts no later than 31st of August 2023.  

To access detailed information on abstract submission guidelines, kindly visit our conference website at https://www.eu-conexus.eu/en/aquatic-and-coastal-ecosystems-challenges-and-opportunities-towards-sustainable-development/. The website provides comprehensive instructions to assist you in preparing and successfully submitting your abstract.

If you have any inquiries or require further information, please feel free to contact fparadauagr. We are committed to supporting you throughout the abstract submission process.


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