Team Project Administration (S1.2)

The Project management unit (S1.2) brings together all of the services provided by Central University Administration related to the administrative processes for acquiring, accepting, managing, and closing projects. This includes, among other things:

  • Information und Beratung zur Anbahnung von Projekten und zur Akquise von Drittmitteln,
    • For this purpose, please contact the project acquisition officers
  • Contract negotiation, including form with regard to tax classification, budget calculation, risk minimization, configuration of cooperation and contractual relationships, utilization of results, etc.,
    • For this purpose, please contact the project acquisition officers
  • Information and consulting of the project leaders during the project duration, administrative project support/project controlling, as well as preparation and support of the audit processes of external funders/auditors
    • For this purpose, please contact the project controlling officers

Please visit the University’s service portal for detailed information on our services or contact us.

Postal address: University of Rostock, Central University Administration, Service Centre Projects (S1), 18051 Rostock

Visiting address: 18055 Rostock, Universitätsplatz 1, 3rd floor

Kristin Arnold

Head of Unit, Project management

  • Process responsibility for the overall process of project management
  • Clarification of fundamental issues
  • Project controlling for projects with special significance:
    • Collaborative Research Centers (SFB), Research Training Groups
    • Advice on scientific events
  • State Exellence Program

Janine Ewald

Project controlling officer

  • Project controlling for the MSF (except DFG)

Heike Gesk

Project controlling officer

  • Project controlling for ZUV, UB, WSF, ZfE and ZLB (except DFG)

Lisa Hirschberger

Project controlling officer

  • Project controlling for the MNF (except DFG)
  • Project controlling for RIH

Jessica Homuth

Project controlling officer

  • Project controlling for the AUF, THF and JUF (except DFG)


Martin Höhn

Project acquisition officer

  • Research funding and application advice from the federal government (e.g. BMBF, BMWi, ZIM and IGF)

Tim Joppke

Project acquisition officer

  • Research funding and application advice: ESF, ELER, Interreg, Erasmus+
  • Implementation of the publicity obligation of EU projects

Cornelia Mickel

Project acquisition officer

  • Research funding and application advice: national: federal states
  • Contract research and scientific service

Karin Miegel

Project controlling officer

Fon: +49 381 498-1617

Office hours:
Monday - Friday 09:00 - 12:00

  • Project controlling DFG for all faculties and central facilities

Christine Rubitzko

Project controlling officer

  • Post calculation of projects

Andrea Schrader

Project acquisition officer

  • Administrative procedures third-party funded projects: Project opening for all faculties
  • application advice DAAD, DFG, EFRE and foundation
  • Advice on scientific events

Remo Schmunck

Project controlling officer

  • Project controlling for the PHF (except DFG)

Steffi Trümper

Project controlling officer

  • Project controlling for the IEF (except DFG)