The University of Rostock cooperates with PASCH partner schools (DSD/DAS schools) abroad

In February 2008, the Federal Foreign Office launched the initiative "Schools: Partners for the Future" (PASCH). The initiative strengthens and connects a global network of around 1500 partner schools with special links to Germany. These include the so-called DSD schools - schools in the respective national education systems that offer the German Language Diploma (DSD). The DSD II is the language requirement for studying at a German university.

Since the beginning of the initiative, the University of Rostock has been building up a network of contacts with German schools abroad and language diploma schools in order to provide information about Rostock as a university location through targeted measures. Activities are focussed on partner schools in the Baltic Sea region (primarily from Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland), in Central and Eastern Europe (Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia and Croatia), but also in Latin America, East Asia and Turkey.

With project funding from the DAAD (BIDS) and the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (HSP, MBWK), measures such as inviting pupils to university information days, study information events at schools abroad and scholarships for outstanding graduates from partner schools have been realised in the past.


What does the University of Rostock offer?

Summer schools

Summer schools

The University of Rostock offers themed summer schools that are specifically aimed at pupils from DSD partner schools. The one- to two-week programmes take place during the summer holidays.

The following summer schools are offered:

Europe Summer Academy (EuSA)

The two-week summer school programme is aimed at pupils from DSD schools with an interest in European and environmental topics and advanced German language skills (B2). The European Summer School is organised in cooperation with the Study in Germany e.V. association.


current summer school

Digital Summer Campus

The University of Rostock offers a 1-2 week online programme for students with a very good knowledge of German. Especially those who are taking the German Language Diploma (DSD) abroad.

Participants have the opportunity to get to know the University of Rostock interactively in teaching, science and research in various subject areas.

current summer school

Visit programmes for school groups

Visit programmes for school groups

The Rostock International House invites school pupils to Rostock to see the University of Rostock in person. During these visits, the pupils have the opportunity to find out about study opportunities at the University of Rostock and to talk to students. In addition to attending lectures and getting to know university facilities, there is also an accompanying cultural programme to explore student life in Rostock. The University of Rostock pays accommodation and travel allowances.


The annual university information day is also a good opportunity to obtain information


Special offers for prospective students from DSD partner schools in the Baltic Sea region

Apply directly to the University of Rostock

If you decide to study at the University of Rostock, you must first enrol for the respective winter semester, which always begins on 1 October and ends on 31 March. The application for a study place is therefore independent of an application for a scholarship and takes place for undergraduate degree programmes (Bachelor, state examination) in the period from 1 May to 15 July of the respective year.

"Startstipendium" (Baltic Sea Region)

The University of Rostock supports excellent graduates from DSD partner schools in the Baltic Sea region. The aim is to make it easier for you to start your studies and to support you with the associated organisational and financial costs. Scholarship holders receive a monthly scholarship instalment of 650 euros for a maximum of 10 months (this corresponds to total funding of approx. 6500 euros).

Interested parties can apply directly via the Rostock International House at the University of Rostock.

Info sheet
Call for applications
Scholarship application


    "Motivationsstipendium" (Worldwide)

    The "Motivationsstipendium" is aimed at graduates of German schools abroad and language diploma schools who have a high level of performance and excellent language skills. There are among others cooperations in South America, East Asia and Turkey. Scholarship holders receive a monthly grant of €400 for a maximum of 10 months (this corresponds to a total grant of €4000).

    Info sheet
    Call for applications
    Application form "Motivation Scholarship worldwide"

      Counselling and support

      In addition to general study counselling, pupils from DSD partner schools receive further support at the Rostock International House of the University of Rostock with questions about study programmes, applications, scholarships, etc. There are no additional costs for the verification of documents due to the DSD co-operation.

      We also provide intensive counselling and support for foreign students during their studies. They can always contact us if they have any problems.

      Incoming Contact Person

      Dr. Uta Buttkewitz

      Head of Incoming
      Coordinator for internationalisation matters

      Kröpeliner Straße 29
      D 18055 Rostock

      Tel.: +49 (0)381 498-1212
      E-Mail: incoming.rih(at)