
23./24. October 2024


23th October 2024: 9 am - 5 pm
24th October 2024: 9 am - 3 pm



Room 321, 2th Floor, House 3, Ulmenstraße 69, 18057 Rostock


Hilke Ebert

Number of Participants

7 to 12 participants



Target audience

PhD Students and PostDocs

Participation Fee*

free of charge

Course Description

Creativity - together with collaboration, communication, and critical thinking - is considered an essential Future Skill.
Creativity is the basis for innovation. Teresa Amabile identifies in her "Componential Theory of Creativity" (2012) domain-relevant expertise, motivation, the social environment, and creativty-
related skills as key success factors for creativity. The development of skills goes beyond knowing approaches (methods), it is about being able to choose and skilfully apply them towards different subjects in their specific contexts.
This is where the workshop comes in. Building on theoretical and methodological inputs, the focus is on practice: experimenting with creativity methods - individually and in groups - and trying out and strengthening skills of facilitation of creative thinking processes. The joint refection of insights gained provides a structure to assess aspects of choice of creativity methods and facilitation implementation. Exploring opportunities for academics to apply creative thinking in their respective fields will be part of the workshop.
The workshop is highly interactive.


Workshop goals:
Participants are familiar with the basics of creative thinking and selected creativity methods.
They are able to design and facilitate creative thinking processes in small groups.

Workshop structure:

Creative thinking

  • Introduction to creativity
  • Concept of lateral thinking
  • "What prevents us from being creative?”

Creativity methods

  • Overview
  • Practical work with selected methods
  • Reflection

Selecting and developing ideas

  • Overview
  • Practical work with selected methods
  • Reflection

My Session!

  • Reflection on personal use
  • Designing your own session



Brief inputs & activities in plenary, group work - for example, in applying various creativity methods, individual reflection and group reflection, playful interventions
Methodically, the focus is on practical work with various creativity methods, dealing with ideas, and experiencing creative thinking in a group.
Soft skills of moderation and collaboration are specifically promoted.

Information about the lecturer

Hilke Ebert is a Civil Engineer in Water Resources Management, has an MA in Regional Development Planning, and is an accredited de Bono Trainer for Six Thinking Hats, Thinking by
Design, and Strategic Thinking. During her professional career she has been able to combine her engineering and planning professional skills with wider fields of sustainability, cooperation management, transformation, and creativity. This includes international development cooperation and leading cooperation projects in sustainable reconstruction after the tsunami in Sri Lanka and developing strategies for post-Soviet municipal governance in Armenia for the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ GmbH. As a facilitator and consultant moderator she engaged in areas such as climate change communication, impact orientation, cooperation, and accompanying change processes.
Languages: German, English
Country experience: Germany, Sri Lanka, Armenia, Mali, Burkina Faso

*Conditions for Participation

Members of the Graduate Academy can use their virtual member budget to cover the course fees. The registration for the workshop is binding. Our conditions for participation apply.