Register now! Training programme for Post-Docs: European Funding: from idea to implementation (pre & post award)"

Attention Postdocs!

We invite you to participate in the exclusive training program "European Funding: from Idea to Implementation," scheduled in La Rochelle from July 1-5, 2024.

This training, organized by La Rochelle University and the EU-CONEXUS Project Development Support Office (PDSO), is specially designed for you.

The content of the programme focuses on European funding, and aims at helping young researchers to identify, understand and be able to apply to European funding, depending on their needs. It will also provide training on essential aspects such as gender equality, open science, data management, dissemination and communication. Finally, project management and human ressources management being the key to successful project implementation, both aspects will be tackled on a methodology based approach.

Key Details:

  • Location: La Rochelle
  • Dates: July 1-5, 2024
  • Format: Onsite training with additional online sessions
  • Cost: Free (Note: you will need to secure your own travel and accommodation funding, possible through Erasmus+ or EU-CONEXUS grants)

How to Apply: Please express your interest by contacting the Graduate Academy by May 14th, 2024 by E-Mail to gradauni-rostockde.

The University of Rostock has the opportunity to send two Postdocs to this event. We encourage you to seize this chance to deepen your expertise in managing European-funded projects and to connect with peers from across the EU-CONEXUS network.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Best regards
Corina Reinheckel

Head of the Graduate Academy
Phone: 0381 498 1022
E-Mail: gradauni-rostockde
