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Electrical Engineering

Master of Science (M.Sc.)

You will expand your knowledge of electrical engineering in the areas of information technology or power engineering in order to be able to independently work on demanding projects and take on management tasks. The language of instruction is English.

Content and objectives

This course provides students with the expertise and methods they need for an independent professional career in specific fields within electrical engineering.

The Master's degree in Electrical Engineering builds on and extends existing knowledge in the field. You can freely choose and combine modules from the three advanced subjects of general electrical engineering, microelectronics and communication technology, and systems engineering, according to your own interests.

Why studying Electrical Engineering?

The international master's program Electrical Engineering gives you the opportunity to expand your knowledge acquired during your Bachelor studies in one of the two major fields of study

  • Power Engineering (Elektrische Energietechnik) or
  • Information Technology (Informationstechnologie).

Both are internationally recognized domains with a steadily growing demand for graduates.

Power Engineering (Elektrische Energietechnik) involves the generation, transmission, conversion and application of electrical energy. Additional to the basics, this field includes the energy production from renewable sources, such as Bioenergy and wind turbines, construction, operation and control of electrical drive systems, and the associated high temperature electronics.

Information Technology (Informationstechnologie) is primarily concerned with the processing and transmission of digital information. It spans from digital signal processing and data transmission over circuit design, embedded and multi-processor systems up to mobile and wireless communication systems.

Subject matter and goal

The international Master's program Electrical Engineering gives you the opportunity to expand your knowledge aquired during your Bachelor studies in one of the two major fields of study:

  1. Electrical Power Engineering involves generation, transmission, conversion and application of electrical energy.
  2.  Information Technology is primarily concerned with the procession and transmission of digital information.

Teaching language:
It is possible to study the entire course in English. Some lectures are offered in German, but these are additional options. However, there are obligatory classes on the German language.

Procedure of study: 
In the first two terms, students select modules in accordance to the selected major field of study. In the third term, the students further focus on their major field of study by selecting a specialization module. The fourth semester is reserved for the master thesis.

Career prospects

The university master's degree in the field of Electrical Engineering offers the best opportunities to get a conductive or research-based engineering job in Germany and over the world. The rapidly increasing demand for engineers in the fields of electrical engineering, computer science and information processing opens up prospects for the future with good job opportunities and excellent career opportunities.

Application and admission
Admission requirements

Admission requirements:

  • Mother tongue English or proof of sufficient English language skills (proof not older than two years): TOEFL IBT with at least 94 points or IELTS with at least 7,0 points
  • a first professional qualification in electrical engineering with at least 180 credit points or another equivalent qualification from a vocational academy
  • degree with at least 85 % of the CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) or with a different grading system with a comparable grade or Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) with at least 500 points
  • Evidence of in-depth knowledge of the following subject areas must be provided: Electromagnetic Fields and Waves (at least 3 credit points), Mathematics (at least 18 credit points), Programming / Practical Computer Science (at least 6 credit points)
  • proof of profound knowledge: Electromagnetic Fields and Waves (at least 3 credit points), Mathematics (at least 18 credit points), Programming / Practical Computer Science (at least 6 credit points)
Procedure of application

This degree program is not restricted to admission (no numerus clausus).

Prospective students from the University of Rostock

An application is not required.

Enrollment takes place online in the registration portal of the University of Rostock:

  • from August 1st to September 30th for the next winter semester or
  • from February 1st to March 31st for the next summer semester

further information: 

Prospective students from Germany

An application is not required.

Enrollment is online in the enrollment portal of the University of Rostock:

  • from the 1st of August to the 30st of September for the next winter semester or
  • from the 1st of February to the 31st of March for the next summer semester

further information:


International prospective students

Please also note the information on the application.

International prospective students must be in the period

  • from the 1st of April to the 31th of May for the next winter semester or
  • from the 1st of October to the 30th of November for the next summer semester

apply online at UniAssist and then enroll in the degree program at the University of Rostock upon receipt of the admission letter. More information can be found on the Website of the University of Rostock below.
further information:

Application: application via Uni-Assist, see www.uni-assist.de

Further information can be found here:

Information for international students

Brochures / Regulations


Broschure (pdf)

Framework Examination Regulations (RPO)

The general rules of study in Bachelor's and Master's degree programs at the University of Rostock are determined by the
Framework Examination Regulations (Bachelor/Master) in the currently valid version.

Specific Examination and study Regulations

The detailed rules for the study of a specific study program, are then regulated in the respective program-specific examination and study regulations (SPSO). When entering a higher subject semester, older versions of the SPSO may apply (see history).

M.Sc. Electrical Engineering

    aktuell gültig für Neuimmatrikulationen zum 1. Fachsemester:
   ► 2. Änderungssatzung (2024) → Nicht amtliche Lesefassung
                                                           → Nicht amtliche englische Lesefassung

Neufassung (2018)
   ► 1. Änderungssatzung (2022)
Neufassung (2015)
   ► 1. Änderungssatzung (2016)

Consulting opportunities

University of Rostock

Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

Departmental student advisory service of the faculty

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sascha Spors

fon: +49 (0)381 - 498 7006

Albert-Einstein-Straße 26 | 18059 Rostock | GERMANY

consultation hours after arrangement

Study Office and Examination Office Electrical Engineering

Tina Zorn

Tel.: +49 (0)381 - 498 7006

Albert-Einstein-Straße 26 | 18059 Rostock | GERMANY
Room 006

consultation hours after arrangement

► Web Study Office

Student advisory service of the university

Student Service Center (SSC) of the University of Rostock 

Info service in the SSC: Central contact point for prospective students and students
The Student Service Center brings together all the important information and advice offered by various institutions for prospective students and students. Those seeking advice should first contact the info service. If necessary, referrals are made here or an individual consultation appointment is arranged.
Parkstraße 6, 18057 Rostock, GERMANY, room / Raum 024
fon: +49 (0)381 - 498 1230
contact and office gours: Student Service Center (SSC) of the University of Rostock – Homepage


4 Semester
Internationaler Studiengang,
Ein-Fach-Studiengang, kann nicht kombiniert werden
Keine Zulassungsbeschränkung, ohne NC
Ingenieurwissenschaften/ Informatik
Fakultät für Informatik und Elektrotechnik
Winter- und Sommersemester
Nach oben