Academic Staff Development (S32)

The Academic Personnel Development enables university teachers and especially junior scientists to successfully master the current tasks as well as future challenges of studying, teaching and research at the University of Rostock in a self-organized manner. We plan, realize and evaluate demand-oriented measures for the professional and personal competence development of the academic personnel.

In accordance with the distribution of responsibilities, we are responsible for the following

  • Conception, organization and evaluation of demand-oriented educational offers for the employees of the UR in the competence areas of study, teaching and research, in particular support of young academics (Graduate Academy);
  • Systemic implementation of the tenure track career path and coordination of the tenure track program;
  • Technical responsibility for the IT application DOCATA and its further development in line with requirements in the interest of the UR as a whole;
  • Continuation of the personnel development concept and coordination of the strategic personnel development working group.

You can reach us at personalentwicklunguni-rostockde. More information and current seminar offers are available on the pages of the Academic Didactics as well as the Graduate Academy.


Academic Staff Development, Team Leadership

  • Realization and continued development of the staff development concept of the University of Rostock.
  • Implementation of instruments for academic staff development and career planning
  • Coordination of the working group strategic staff development
  • Project management of the federal-state program for the promotion of academic junior scientists at the University of Rostock
  • Systemic implementation of the career track Tenure Track

Corina Reinheckel

Academic Staff Development, Head of the Graduate Academy

  • Conceptual development and arrangement of academic staff development for scientists in early career phases (Graduate Academy)
  • Contact person for Nacaps
  • Coordination of the doctoral fellowship program "Our best do their doctorate in Rostock
  • Coordination of the Mare Balticum Fellowship Program
  • Coordination, consulting and support of the UR-wide introduction of the productive operation of DOCATA as well as the further development of DOCATA


Gabriele Rettmer

Academic Staff Development

  • Conceptual development and arrangement of academic staff development in the context of teaching and learning (academic didactics)

Gesine Pilz

Academic Staff Development

  • Organization and realization of the measures of the academic didactics

Susan Turnow

Academic Staff Development

  • Organization and realization of the measures of the Academic Staff Development

Sara Schiemann

Administration Graduate Academy

  • Organization and realization of the measures of the Graduate Academy


Academic Staff Development

  • Organization and realization of the measures of the Academic Staff Development with focus on Junior Professors and  Tenure Track