Service Center Personnel and Organizational Development (S3)
The range of services offered by the Personnel and Organizational Development Service Center includes the following ongoing offerings and measures
- Introduction of the campus management system HISinOne (S31),
- Personnel development for scientists including junior scientists (S32),
- Education, training and continuing education for science support staff (S31),
- Further development of the support system for studies and research including the introduction of the document management system d.3ecm (S31)
Postal address: University of Rostock, Central University Administration, Service Center for Personnel and Organizational Development, 18051 Rostock
Sybille Hambach
Organizational Development, Team management
Fon: +49 381 498-1034
representation: Isabelle Turinsky
- Conceptual further development of the Agile University Organization model including procedures for job and personnel structure planning as well as the Agile Collaboration toolbox
- Development, consulting and technical support of measures for holistic organizational development
- Technical responsibility for organizational, business distribution and file plan
- Process responsibility and operation responsibility for the service group organizational structure
Academic Staff Development, Team management
Fon: +49 381 498-1603
representation: Gabriele Rettmer
Conceptual development and design of academic personnel development for scientists in early career phases (Graduate Academy)
Contactperson for Nacaps
Coordination of the doctoral fellowship program "Unsere Besten promovieren in Rostock"
Coordination of the Mare Balticum Fellowship Program
Coordination, consulting and support of the UR-wide introduction of the productive operation of DOCATA as well as the further development of DOCATA