Registrar and Units
The Registrar (Head of Administration and Finance) is the head of the Central University Administration and in charge of Budget, Human Resources, Legal Affairs and the Estate of the university. He is the household commissioner and must be involved into all measures that are financially relevant.
The chancellor is supported by his office staff and by the staff units Appointments, Health and Safety and Organisation Development.
Postal address: Universität Rostock, Zentrale Universitätsverwaltung, Der Kanzler, 18051 Rostock
Visiting address: 18055 Rostock, Universitätsplatz 1, Raum 130
Fax: +49 381 498-1015
E-Mail: kanzleruni-rostockde
Dr. Jan Tamm
Registrar (Head of Administration and Finance) (K)
Fon: +49 381 498-1014
representation: Dr. Peter Volle
Ines Herz
Office of the Registrar (VzK)
Fon: +49 381 498-1016
representation: Ines Jung
Ines Jung
Office of the Registrar (VzK)
Fon: +49 381 498-1035
representation: Ines Herz