Subject Area Housekeeping (D3.2.2)
The tasks of the Subject Area Housekeeping are infrastructural facility management activities, like facility cleaning, the care of the external areas, winter services, the protection and security of university premises and the operation of the parking places. The organization and implementation of small-scale and major moves and works usually carried out by housekeepers are also part of the subject area tasks. The university’s housekeepers are allocated to the subject area Housekeeping.
Fax: +49 381 498-1370
Manfred Kitschke
Head of subject area (Lz. D3.2.2)
Fon: +49 381 498-1416
Rainer Lehmann
Facility manager I (Inner city)
Fon: +49 381 498-1418
Mobile: +49 176 10 21 94 57
representation: Christian Böttcher, Nils Schmieter
- Managed properties
- Coordination housekeeper operation
- Quality assurance infrastructural services, e.g. building cleaning, green spaces
- Coordination relocations and disposal processes
Christian Böttcher
Facility manager II (Südstadt)
Fon: +49 381 498-1437
Mobile: +49 176 10 21 94 19
representation: Rainer Lehmann, Nils Schmieter
- Managed properties
- Coordination housekeeper operation
- Quality assurance infrastructural services, e.g. building cleaning, green spaces
- Coordination relocations and disposal processes
Nils Schmieter
Facility manager III (urban area)
Fon: +49 381 498-1384
Mobile: +49 176 10 21 95 30
representation: Rainer Lehmann, Christian Böttcher
- Managed properties
- Coordination housekeeper operation
- Quality assurance infrastructural services, e.g. building cleaning, green spaces
- Coordination relocations and disposal processes
Dirk Wilken
Housekeeper Inner city area
Fon: +49 381 498-1456
Mobile: +49 176 10 21 95 28
representation: Thomas Meyner
- properties
Thomas Meyner
Housekeeper Inner city area
Fon: +49 381 498-1456
Mobile: +49 176 10 21 94 63
representation: Dirk Wilken
- properties
Ralf Ludwig
Housekeeper Inner city area
Fon: +49 381 498-4015
Mobile: +49 176 10 21 94 61
representation: Thomas Schönberg, Reno Schmidt
- properties
Reno Schmidt
Housekeeper Inner city area
Fon: +49 381 498-4023
Mobile: +49 1514 6792667
representations: Ralf Ludwig
- properties
Thomas Schönberg
Housekeeper Inner city area
Fon: +49 381 498-4024
Mobile: +49 1515 1744119
representation: Ralf Ludwig
- properties
Rainer Kriegel
Housekeeper Inner city area
Fon: +49 381 498-1359
Mobile: +49 176 10 21 94 74
representation: Dirk Wilken
- properties
Dirk Korpal
Housekeeper Südstadt area
Fon: +49 381 498-1425
Mobile: +49 176 10 21 95 38
representation: Matthias Bogatz
- properties
Christian Wollgast
Housekeeper Südstadt area
Fon: +49 381 498-1373
Mobile: +49 176 10 21 94 62
representation: Bernd Völkel
- properties
Bernd Völkel
Housekeeper Südstadt area
Fon: +49 381 498-2878
Mobile: +49 176 10 21 95 29
representation: Christian Wollgast
- properties
Matthias Bogatz
Housekeeper Südstadt/ Warnemünde
Fon: +49 381 498-1436
Mobile: +49 176 10 21 94 16
representation: Dirk Korpal
- properties
Joachim Vick
Housekeeper urban area
Fon: +49 381 498-1438
Mobile: +49 176 10 21 95 32
representation: Thomas Schönberg
- properties