Diversity in the Field Keeps the Weeds Busy - Scientists at the University of Rostock Study Weeds in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

During field work: Merel Hofmeijer examines weeds on an organic farm in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Photo: private).
During field work: Merel Hofmeijer examines weeds on an organic farm in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Photo: private).
For some it's just weeds, for others beautiful summer flowers: three chamomile species (Photo: Bärbel Gerowitt/University of Rostock).
For some it's just weeds, for others beautiful summer flowers: three chamomile species (Photo: Bärbel Gerowitt/University of Rostock).

Find more about it in the German press release


Contact information:
Prof. Bärbel Gerowitt
University of Rostock
Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences/Institute of Land Use
Tel.: +49 381 498 3160
Email: baerbel.gerowitt@uni-rostock.de
