Teaching profession
The profession of a teacher as well as the institution school has experienced profound changes within the last years. Today, school is not only a place of lesson and knowledge transfer, but simultaneously an essential living space for a growing number of children and teenagers.
The interaction of diversely socialized and cultural stamped young people with different learning and performance abilities makes greater demands on the qualifications of teachers as before. More than as yet it will be part of their responsibility to facilitate pupils with special learning needs, support children displaying learning difficulties and challenging behavior, and impart important social value orientations.
Apart from professional expertise and a high level of social competence prospective teachers are expected to have the ability to assert themselves and a capability for empathy as well as to be capable of creative lesson planning. The University of Rostock offers a teaching education for four different teaching profession types, each of them completed with the 1st State Examination. The standard period of study is nine to ten semesters. During their studies, students acquire subject-related and didactic knowledge. In addition, pedagogical and psychological competences are taught. Practical studies in school and practical trainings as well as their documentation are other aspects of these study courses. The subsequent postgraduate traineeship takes 1 to 2 years, depending on the regulations of the respective federal states.
Particularly noteworthy is the part of teacher education at the University of Rostock that is implemented in cooperation with the University of Music and Theatre. It allows the students to choose between the subjects music and performing arts, depending on the type of teaching profession.
In addition, the University of Rostock offers the study course Business Pedagogics (Bachelor and Master). Students may choose a specialization that qualifies them to teach at vocational schools.
At the University of Rostock, teacher training courses are usually offered as state examination courses. These conclude with the first state examination for teaching after 9 or 10 semesters. With this, the graduates are entitled to take up a preparatory service (legal clerkship). This ends with the second state examination, which then entitles you to exercise a teaching post. The university offers Bachelor / Master courses for teaching at vocational schools.
Teacher training courses leading to state examination
Bachelor & Master courses
These courses of study enable you to work as a vocational school teacher, if necessary, proof of professional experience must be provided.