Medicine/Life Sciences
Medicine deals with recognition, cure, alleviation, and prevention of diseases or injuries of human beings (human medicine, dentistry) and animals (veterinary medicine; not offered at Rostock University) but also with investigating causes, new diagnosis and treatment methods or new drugs and remedies.
An acquisition of profound knowledge on human (or animal) anatomy and physiology is required here. The natural sciences biology, biochemistry, chemistry, and physics play an important role here. Physicians have to have the ability to adapt to continually changing developments in medical research and technology. In addition, they have to be willing to cope with ethical questions related to their profession. Students should be interested in (assisting) interaction with people but must not spare the necessary distance and objectivity.
The term Life Sciences refers to investigating and influencing processes and structures with creatures involved or initiated by creatures themselves. The faculty’s research focuses on regenerative medicine: biomaterial and implant research; stem cell research, interaction of biomaterials with cells and tissues and movement disorders in neurodegenerative diseases. Here, physicians cooperate closely with other science disciplines represented at the University of Rostock, particularly natural sciences and engineering sciences, and develop new agents or implants jointly.
Thus, students are excellently prepared for their future fields of activity as not all graduates of a human medicine or dentistry study course intend to set up their own doctor's office. Instead, many work at research institutes, hospitals or medical technology companies. Practically relevant lessons in small groups and an education in innovative subjects dealing with medical-technical issues are inherent part of the medical studies at the University of Rostock.