Junior Studies

Online studying for pupils...

This state project aims to encourage electronically based learning in school lessons and to facilitate the change from school to university.

Thus, the change from school to university education becomes easier, faster and more transparent. The duration of studies can be reduced. Pupils get guidance for their choice of a future study course. Thus, the concept “Studying before studying” is implemented in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, too.

The framework issued by the Ministry of Education evaluates the new media as learning tool and as well as teaching subject itself. For this reason, a greater priority will be given to the subject E-learning and, thus, a differentiation to the traditional junior study approaches will be made. Absenteeisms from school as they went along with junior studies so far can be reduced by the Blended-Learning-Approach now. Participating extended secondary school pupils are enabled to take their first university courses online and, thus, are better able to combine it with their school activities.

In this context, a state-wide teaching and learning platform is provided to schools that allows a location-independent access to learning content and organisational information. In addition, a direct integration of the established infrastructure into school lessons is planned. Thus, the pupil-teacher-, pupil-pupil- and teacher-teacher communication and cooperation is extended and encouraged.  

See for additional information the German version of this website, always up-to-date: https://juniorstudium.uni-rostock.de

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