Change of study programs within the University of Rostock
At the University of Rostock enrolled students who want to change their study program must check if the intended study program has local admission restrictions or is admission free.
Students who want to change to a study program without a local admission restriction must apply for a change of study program at the student office. The application can be submitted no later than one week after the start of the lectures.
When changing to a higher study semester, the responsible academic advisor or examination office must also provide proof of the crediting of study times and examinations for the intended study program. Here you can find further information.
Please note for teaching profession students (who have creditable study times or examinations (with creditable academic achievements): Please inform the examination office
ZPA (Zentrales Prüfungsamt für Lehrämter) of your change of study program immediately after successful registration of enrolment.
For admission restricted study programs an application before the deadline (15.01 or 15.07) is necessary.
The application for the first semester is done online via the application portal of Uni Assist. Information on the application procedure can be found here. Enrolled students are not given preferential treatment in the admission process.
In the event of an admission, the deadlines for documents and the further procedures will be written in the letter of acceptance.
A written application is required for students who want to change to a higher study semester. Here you can find further information here.
When changing to a higher study semester, the responsible academic advisor or examination office must also provide proof of the crediting of study times and examinations for the intended study program.
Please note for teaching profession students (who have creditable study times or examinations(with creditable academic achievements): Please inform the examination office
ZPA (Zentrales Prüfungsamt für Lehrämter) of your change of study program immediately after successful registration of enrolment .
Please note:
An application for a change of study program (Antrag auf Studiengangswechsel) is inadmissible if it is the second change without any proper reason to do so. (In accordance to § 3, Abs. 6 der Rahmenprüfungsordnung für die Lehramtsstudiengänge der Universität Rostock bzw. § 21 Abs. 3 des Landeshochschulgesetzes M-V).