HERMES Research Funding at the University of Rostock

HERMES research funding is aimed at early-career researchers at the University of Rostock. The programmes aim to stimulate early career researchers and get them involved from early stages of their academic qualification, to strengthen the international contacts and foster the creation of research networks, and to prepare project proposals. HERMES research funding has two funding lines.


The HERMES programme funds early-career researchers’ periods of research abroad to prepare future projects and publications.

Applications can be submitted at any time.


The HERMES Junior Programme aims to fund research projects of full-time students on master's or bachelor's degree courses and the teacher training courses that are linked to a period of research at a national or international research institution.

Applications can be submitted at any time.


Pro-Rector for Research, Talent Development and Equal Opportunities

Prof. Dr. Nicole Wrage-Mönnig

Phone: +49 (0) 381 498 1002
E-Mail: pftuni-rostockde

University Quality Development Office (HQE)

Susanne Engler

Tel.: +49 381 498-1026